You’re going home! Before you are discharged your nurse will provide information on how to care for yourself and your baby in the first few weeks after your delivery.
When will I have my follow-up appointment?
Your nurse will schedule your 6 week follow-up appointment with our office before you leave the hospital. This appointment provides an opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns you have, including contraception, physical recovery, and your emotional well-being. If you have any concerns before then, please call our office to make an appointment so we can see you sooner.
When should my baby’s first appointment be scheduled?
Before you leave the hospital your nurse will schedule an appointment with Pediatrics at New Castle Family & Internal Medicine Northfield Park or the provider of your choice for you baby’s first check-up.
What do I do if I am having trouble breastfeeding?
Help in breastfeeding is provided by a certified lactation specialist while you are in the hospital and after delivery. A nurse from the Women & Children’s unit will call after you go home to see what questions you have, how you and your baby are doing and what help you might need.
Is there help for both breastfeeding and bottle feeding after I go home?
If you are breastfeeding or bottle feeding, you and your baby always are welcome at any of these Feeding Support Groups. Whether you come to every event or occasionally, they are here to help support you in feeding your new baby. And if you want, your baby can be weighed each time. You’re also welcome to attend at any time during your pregnancy.
Classes Meet:
2nd Monday | 5 – 7 pm
4th Thursday | 11 am – 1 pm
Henry Community Health Main Campus | Women & Children’s Unit Classroom | 765.599.3193.
Is it really true that when you are breastfeeding you don’t need to use contraceptives?
Absolutely not. Breastfeeding does not protect you against becoming pregnant. It is important to use contraceptives when you begin having intercourse after your baby is born. We can discuss the various options at your 6 week check-up.